Ways to improve your eco-living

3 min read

Recently I’ve been thinking about the future and what we could do to make it greener. Which could be changing up our plastic packaged products into small alternatives. I know it’s hard to be eco-friendly, especially if you live with friends or family members that don’t show much interest in these things. There are different ways you could help them make greener decisions, like going grocery shopping with your parents or, making dinner instead of ordering takeaways.

1. Buying products in glass

I was thinking about this a while ago, was just eating and stared at a ketchup dispenser and wondered ‘why do we use them instead of glass jars?’. In Ireland, there are several glass recycling centres that are FREE to use, and it’s way better than throwing away plastic to some landfill😉

2. Make your own ice cubes

The other day I thought to myself wouldn’t it be great to reduce my use of plastic and save a bit of money at the same time? Water is free for now (in Ireland) so why not buy an ice mould tray and reuse a bag to keep the ice inside?

3. Make your own beauty products

Go on Youtube and look up all the different eco-friendly products that you could make instead of buying them😉. To this day, my favourite DIY product that I made is deodrant. I hope to be trying out more products so stay tuned for something soon!

4. Buy fresh produce from local farmers

Photo by Benjamin Massello on Unsplash

This one is super easy, especially if you live in Ireland. I mean we are literally surrounded by fields and farmers everywhere! Which is great because that makes it easier for us to get fresh farm produce.

5. Plan your meals

Photo by Cristiano Pinto on Unsplash

It was always hard for me to plan my meals because I felt lazy and it’s such an effort, right? But I’ve realised that it’s amazing because I get to save money and plastic along the way. Of course, here and there I get some extra things but I try to make sure it’s used up properly👍

6. Switch to more sustainable stores

There are so many eco-friendly shops here that I never knew existed, and I’m sure you don’t know that much either! Try joining Facebook groups or go on a Google hunt to find stores that are near you! There are some in Ireland from Reuzi to Youme!

7. Try new things

You could try out so many things that are out there. These are some of the things that I’ve tried before, and I’m learning new things everyday which is helping me save money and save the planet!

Bye everyone!💞

Thank you for reading this post! If you have any tips or want to see more posts like this, comment below!

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